Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome, and an Explanation

My lady love and I recently undertook a challenge posed by one of our friends; to come up with a list of 101 goals to accomplish in the next 1001 days.  This seemed like a good opportunity to compile all of those various activities and aspirations in one place.  Turns out that coming up with 101 goals is harder than it sounds, at least for me.  My list took me several days to compile with input from a number of freinds, while my lady love (from here on referred to as LL) took only a few hours, and with no outside assistance.

Having compiled the list, 1001 days now seems incredibly short, but I am excited about doing so many of the things on my list.  Many of these goals are things I've wanted to do for ages, but keep getting pushed aside in favor of things like Stumbling and spending hours in front of the damned television.  Now we have our lists posted on our respective closet doors as a daily reminder of the things we've chosen to focus on in order to make our lives richer and more fun.

Which brings me to Goal #40, Start a Blog.  Here's to checking the first goal completely off of the list (several others are in progress, however).


  1. I think this sounds like a wonderful plan for personal growth. I might have to try it myself.... Good luck to you over the next 1,001 days and always!

  2. Questions... What is the Mycological Society? What is the Gottman book? Can I be in your book club? How come I can't figure out how to 'follow' your blog?
