I am fortunate to have a partner who is good at helping me keep on track (well, at least most of the time). My plan to go to the gym after work today devolved into doing the Wii Fit Plus workout at home, to making an offer of dinner and a movie to my LL. Lucky for me (in the long run at least), in response to my offer of dinner and a movie after she had already agreed to do the Wii Fit Plus with me, I received the following text message "Workout. No dinner and move." So after a brief stop at Safeway to pick up some hamburger and veggies for spaghetti (the sauce of which included yellow squash, orange bell peppers and kale, served over whole wheat pasta), home we went to get our Wii on.
One thing I love about the Wii (#18) is that it really just seems like you're playing a game until you notice that you're sweating and you've burned a couple of hundred calories (#4). The problem I have with the Wii Fit exercises is that they really hurt my feet (plantar fascitis which is exacerbated by my gym shoes being in the car and me being too lazy to go out to the car and get them. a bit ironic, I guess). The other thing that I sometimes love and sometimes am really annoyed by is the humor programmed into the Wii Fit. It played the same joke on each of us in turn tonight, which wound up being a little annoying. And then I find myself talking back to it, or accusing the trainer of hitting on my LL. Good times, overall.
Date night this week (we try to do this weekly, but usually succeed in accomplishing 2-3 nights per month) has evolved from eating at the mall food court and going to see Harry Potter (finally), to eating at a new restaurant and trying to see the Picasso exhibit at the SAM. I'm excited about the restaurant, and had the realization tonight that it is often the dessert menu that sells me on a restaurant. We are planning to go to Urbane Restaurant and the clincher was, quite honestly, the pumpkin brulee served with pecan shortbread on the dessert menu. The rest of the menu also looked interesting and delicious, however. You'll get a full report in the days following and I will try to take some crappy pictures of the food on my iPhone.
I just realized that this bit about date night is apparently about one of my imaginary goals, which I swear I had written down, of trying a new restaurant each month. Let's just pretend that it's a goal, although I think that the truth of the matter is that it might be my LL's goal. Oh well. I'll tell you all about it anyway. It might get boring if all I ever talk about is my goals. And eating delicious food is always the goal, even if it didn't make it onto the list of 101.
I REALLY wish you had made this list long ago. Several months ago I started a book club where we meet monthly and go out to eat at some fabulous Seattle eatery (and discuss the book, of course). I so want to invite you and Margo to join but the group agreed to limit ourselves to 8 people (and we actually have 9). But if anyone does drop out I will immediately start hounding you guys about it because I think you guys would be great additions (if, of course, you were interested). :-)
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