Thursday, February 21, 2013

So Many Changes

Since I last posted, so many things have changed in my life.  I got married twice (had an awesome wedding in August and then made it legal in January).  I quit my job at the VA and am working part-time in Auburn.  I got a haircut.  My baby sister moved to a goat farm in Everett.  We decided to have my mom move in with us this coming summer.  I've been trying to get pregnant, without success so far.  I've turned into a kombucha drinker and now a kombucha grower.  I'm obsessed with the food production system, which will likely be the topic of future blog posts.  We build awesome bookcases on one entire wall of our living room (I promise to post pictures at some time in the near future).  Margo and my mom built a window seat in our dining room.  Did I mention I'm working part-time now?  I'm reading so many books, all of which I want to tell you about.    So, it clearly hasn't been for lack of content that I haven't been blogging.  It's been largely due to lack of time, energy and motivation.  I'm hoping that is going to be less of an issue now that I'm working part-time.  I have more time to do so many of the other things I want to do now, but there's still more I want to do than I have time to do in a day.  I'm setting a goal of blogging at least once a week.  I know my mom will do her best to hold me to it.  :o)