Sunday, November 27, 2011

16 Days (and counting) Without a Phone

And guess what?  I'm still alive!  Which is not to say that it hasn't been an adjustment, because it certainly has.  It's been more than eight years since I got my first cell phone, and I've had one within arms reach nearly 24 hours a day since then.  That's roughly 72,000 hours with a cell phone.  In spite of all my big talk about getting rid of my phone, I have to admit that I was a little nervous.

There have certainly been some inconveniences involved.  Perhaps the saddest thing so far was that I didn't get to talk to any of my family on my birthday.  I left home extra early that day and then didn't get home until after 9 that night.  If I'd had my phone, I would have spoken to most of them that day.  The other thing that I find myself missing is texting Margo throughout the day. 

The benefits have definitely outweighed the inconveniences, though.  One of my motivations for getting rid of my phone was that I felt that I was using the phone as a way to distance myself from the people I care about most.  Texting can be an efficient way of getting or communicating information, but it bypasses all of the relationship-maintaining small talk that happens when you are actually talking to someone.  I have definitely been talking to the people I love more.  I've spent somewhere upwards of five hours on the phone (or skype) this week, and that was all during the week. 

The other thing that I've noticed is that I used my phone a lot to keep me occupied while waiting for things (like the microwave, the train, the commercials to be over) and not having the phone has forced me to be more present wherever I am.  I've also made it my goal to spend my time waiting for the microwave at work doing squats and lunges.  Seems like a healthier alternative.

The next thing to tackle is my computer use.  I think that I've replaced much of my phone use with the laptop.  It's been especially bad since Margo has been out of town.  My goal starting tomorrow is to spend 30 minutes or less on the computer in the evenings after work.  The only exception being if I am cooking from a recipe on the computer or am following directions for a craft project on the computer.  Hopefully by putting it out there to you all, I will be more accountable for that commitment.


  1. I figure that not having TV service cancels out all the time I spend on a computer. :) And I mostly use my phone for good - checking the weather, looking up movie showtimes, even IM'ing with Jake while he's at the computer (it's awesome to be able to be upstairs and not have to yell - and for some reason he calls me "ma" when we're IM'ing, which amuses me to no end!)

  2. um, except for a periodic skype call with me, i hope?
    no, seriously, hugely supportive, and enjoying following along as you experience it. it will help me in making my decision as to whether to head that direction as well, as soon as the dreaded contract is up.

  3. Matt I were talking this morning about what exactly people did while waiting in the days before cellphones.

    I am glad you are having a mostly positive experience. There are always hiccups when making lifestyle changes I suppose.

    I hadn't thought about the birthday angle. I was lucky enough to have all my family with me on my first cellphone-free birthday. Did I wish you a happy birthday? If not, I hope it was swell!

  4. Also, I gave you a little blog award. Please, don't feel obligated to continue spreading it unless you really want to. I don't really want to get anyone involved in a "chain" involuntarily! But, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog and you! Thanks for sharing it! You inspire me!
