I can't believe it's been more than a month and a half since my last post. I started with such good intentions and have gotten incredibly far behind. The last month and a half has been busier than it had a right to be, and the blog (and you, gentle reader) has suffered as a result. I have much to update you about, and you will note that the list of birds seen and identified has grown substantially. I guess the bright side of not blogging is that it has largely been because of the fact that I have been busy living, and doing all of the things I wanted to do when I started this adventure. In addition to all of the fun things we've been doing around here, my baby sister graduated from college and Margo's grandfather died, both of which warranted road trips.
Several goals have been achieved since my last post, each of which will receive a post of their own. I bought a fishing pole (and a net, and almost went fishing). We went to the Arboretum while everything was in glorious bloom. My friend Jenny came to visit. I went to the Northwest Folklife Festival. We went camping AND visited Mt. St. Helens in the same weekend (this weekend, in fact). We have tickets to two different Zoo Tunes concerts (the first one is coming up on Wednesday).
So stay tuned, and updates should be headed your way, if you haven't given up already!
That is quite the growing list of birds!